The Guice Box


I have been in possession of the Guice Box for several years now. It is a well-built, sturdy, varnished box emblazoned with the Guice family crest on top and trimmed out with brass handles and latch. I came to acquire it in a roundabout way.

In 2008 my mother and I traveled with other members of my family to attend our first Guice Family Reunion held yearly near McNair, Mississippi.

My mother was so excited to go.  She had never known any of her Guice relatives beyond her father, since he had died when she was seven.  And his mother and father died before my mother’s parents were married.  So to meet other Guice “faces” and to see the family resemblance was a dream come true for her.

Sitting in folding chairs in the shade of trees in the grassy yard of the family home of a Guice relative, family members caught up on news from the previous year.  After partaking of some scrumptious family reunion food — you know the kind — my mother was chosen by a drawing to receive a small treasure chest-like box that was part of a Guice Family Reunion tradition.  The recipient was to take it home for one year and bring it back to the next reunion.  During that year, the holder of the box was to contribute a family treasure — be it a photo, recipe, Guice family story, etc.

Since I am our immediate family’s historian, my mother gave me the box so that I could add a “family treasure” and be the holder of the box it until the next reunion.


As a genealogist and historian, I had fun going through the box’s contents. There were photos, family histories, articles, and obituaries.  It was like Christmas morning discovering more Guice family history!

In the months to come, I worked diligently to self-publish a book about our branch of the Guice family, then I added it to the box.  I was excited to show the other Guice family members our contribution at the next reunion, but the reunion in 2009 was cancelled. We would have to wait another year.  So I put the box safely away in my genealogy cabinet.


But before the next reunion could be held in 2010, my mother passed away. I’m not even sure that it was held that year.  I’m so sad that she was never able to attend another reunion, but I am glad that she was able to attend at least one.

Because she was the contact person for the reunion, I have not seen another invitation to attend one. There is a contact name and address under the lid of the Guice box, but I was hesitant to send the box in the mail for fear it may be lost — it, nor its contents can be replaced.  I tried to contact another Guice family member that I remembered meeting that day, leaving my information with them to let me know of the next reunion, but I have not been notified.

I hope that by posting this page, someone from the Mississippi/Louisiana Guice family will see it and contact me about the next reunion so I can return the box and the tradition can continue.  I will write a letter to the address in the box in hopes that I will get a response about the reunion.  Until then if you are a member of the Guice Family, please contact me through this blog and know that the Guice box has been well taken care of. I will come to the next reunion bearing it in one hand and food in the other!

43 Comments Add yours

  1. Kiki Hetherwick Hummel says:

    I was just talking about Louisa Guice to Teddy Calhoun Friday at lunch. Every time I see him (he’s 80) he asks, “who was it again who got the land grants and married T. B. Gilbert?” I was just starting to think about writing a history of the Gilbert side of the family. I’ll include this article. Thanks!

    1. Great! I’m not familiar with the Gilbert family line. Do you know how they connect to the Guice family? I’d like to see what you write!

  2. Great job, Babe. I really enjoyed reading about that fun day. 🙂

  3. doug leo says:

    My name is Doug Leo I am a descendent of the Guice family. My great grandmother was a Guice. Would love to talk with you about family history.

    1. I would love to! Let me know how you connect and from which Guice you descend. Then we can compare notes.

      1. doug leo says:

        email me at and i will send you my number. I am not the best with remembering all the names but i think it was Pearl maybe. i have it at home.

  4. Nathan Guice says:

    Do you still have the box? I’d love to get a good scan or close up of the crest, I had seen this crest on a xerox copy back when I was a kid, but have never been able to find a good image of it. I’d love to try to recreate it as a vector graphic.
    I’ve never been to a family reunion, other than funerals and weddings, so I unfortunately don’t know many Guices beyond the aunts and uncles.
    I’m the youngest grandchild of Olyn Tully Guice Jr (O.T. as he was called). Olyn T Guice III is my uncle and was the family president for sometime, he’s been in very poor health, but my aunt may be able to reconnect you with where the box needs to go.

    1. That would be wonderful! Yes, I still have it. I can send you a HD photo of it. I’ve been looking for someone to reconnect with about the box for a long time. Thanks!

      1. Nathan Guice says:

        I had posted the pic to my facebook page for some others to see, it turns out it was my uncle, Olyn, that made the box. Please feel free to friend me on facebook, I’m sure you can get to know some of our line and some others that way.

  5. Gail Spinnato says:

    I am a Guice descendant and live in Pike County which is not too far from McNair, Franklin County, MS. I’m just beginning my research into this line of the family. My great grandmother was Clara Jane Guice, daughter of Jonathan Madison Guice, son of Jacob Guice, son of Jonathan Guice, son of Christopher Guice. I’m eager to learn more and would love to make connections. Thanks!

    1. Doug leo says:

      I have a lot of guide history if interested

      1. Gail Spinnato says:

        Yes, yes,yes! I am interested! Please let me hear from you! Thank you very much! Gail S.

      2. Doug leo says:

        Email me at your contact info and I will get in touch with you.

  6. Haley says:

    Hi. My grandmother was Annie Meyers Guice. We would like more on the reunion/family tree.

    1. The reunion has not been scheduled, but we can discuss the tree I know and see where you fit in. I’ll contact by email.

    2. The reunion has not been held for the past five years, but when I hear of another one, I will let you know.

      1. doug leo says:

        I might be willing to offer my Lodge in McNair as a possible reunion location.

      2. Gail Spinnato says:

        I live in Pike County which is not too far from the McNair area and would be willing to help with reunion plans/preparations too.

  7. Ed Guice says:

    Would be cool to attend a Guice gathering!

    1. Doug leo says:

      Where are you located Ed?

      1. Ed Guice says:

        I live in Falls Church, VA. My dad, Gene Edward Guice, was born in Anadarko, OK.

  8. Glenda Williams says:

    Hi, Guice family! I purchased property on Grainger Rd in McNair, MS 3 yrs ago. We were looking at old, old maps of the area and found that there was a Malcolm, MS with map coordinates very near our property. In researching info about Malcolm, we found that it was named for Malcolm Gilchrist (1776-1851). Malcolm was the Postmaster at Malcolm, his place was a stagecoach stop, and there was a railroad that went through Malcolm. In the research, I found that Malcolm Gilchrist’s great grandson Olyn Tully Guice (1884-1954) moved to the old Gilchrist place. He ran a store in front of the old home place and was a substitute mail carrier in the late 1940’s. The land East of our place is referred to as the lands of McLaurin (same name as Olyn’s grandfather who was married to Catherine Gilchirst–Malcolm’s daughter), and the land South of us is referred to as lands of Guice. I would love to see a picture of the old Malcolm Gilchrist place and store. I would love to see pics of the area when Malcolm existed and since. I understand the area had several saw mills, and most of the residents were farmers. The land consisted of pastures for raising cattle, baling hay, and growing cotton and other crops. It sure looks different now with all the pine timber growing in this area!

    1. Thank you for the history lesson! I didn’t know about Malcolm. I love that part of the area is called “lands of Guice.” There were plenty of them around! I have never lived in the area, so I don’t have any old photos from there. Anyone out there know of any photos of Malcolm, MS or the area around McNair?

  9. sarah schell says:

    my great grandparents were Leon and Carrie Matthews Guice of Greenwood, MS. I am so happy to have stumbled onto your blog. The stories are wonderful!! I would love to know when there is another Guice reunion in MS.

    1. Thank you! Nice to meet you! I haven’t heard about another Guice reunion. I hope someone picks up the baton again to organize it for the next generations! Do you know from which Guices you descend?

      1. sarah schell says:

        Leon Guice was my ggf. His mom was Griffie Guice (he used her maiden name, as I don’t think he had any contact with his father). Griffie’s dad was Asa Jones Guice, who was son of Daniel Guice & Delilah Williams.

      2. doug leo says:

        my lodge in McNair is available for the site if someone organizes it. 🙂

      3. Jean Guice says:

        I, too, am interested in attending a Guice reunion. I have noticed they seem to be held in October. Would you, or anyone reading this, know of a reunion to be held this fall, 2017?
        My husband and I live in Livingston Parish, Louisiana. His ancestors, Guices, lived in Hamburg, MS. I have worked on our family trees for over 50 years and know that he descends from Christopher Guice, down through Christopher’s son Jacob. I have found very few people working on this Jacob’s line. Jean Guice

      4. Jeanealogy says:

        My husband’s line is as follows:       Christopher Guice (1718-1787)         Jacob Guice (1767-1835)             Isaac Kinnison Guice (1813-1895′                 Walter Demontreal Guice (1846-1903)                     Walter Alonzo Guice (1883-1953)                         Lawrence Walter Guice (1914-1992)                             Gary Richard Guice (1946 –    )   My husband   Jacob Guice down through Walter Alonzo Guice lived in Franklin Co., Mississippi.                                                             Jean Guice  

      5. Gail Spinnato says:

        I am a Guice descendant and live in Pike County which is not too far from McNair, Franklin County, MS.. My great grandmother was Clara Jane Guice, daughter of Jonathan Madison Guice, son of Jacob Guice, son of Jonathan Guice, son of Christopher Guice. I have joined the Daughters of 1812 and the Order of the First Families of Mississippi through the Jacob Guice line. I’m eager to learn more—especially about Jonathan’s father-in-law Fredrick Stump—and would love to make connections. I would be glad to help organize a Guice reunion. If y’all are also interested in helping, contact me at

  10. Sherry Lumley says:

    Hi! I am a decendent’s of Stephen Lee Guice son of Jacob guice. We were at the guice reunion in 2007 and one of the photos in the box includes my mom. I believe a lot of the organizers of the guice reunion have since passed away ( Julia Guice, Jerry Guice). Julia Guice wrote a book on the family history. I have done a lot of family research which I plan to resume when I retire. I live in Minnesota. Would love to connect with family members.

    1. Nice to meet you cousin! I was able to return the Guice box a year or more ago to the Guice relative who made it, not long before he passed away. I’m still in touch with some of his relatives. I scanned all the contents of the box before I returned it so that I could figure out the larger Guice family tree, not just my branch. So I’m sure I have a copy of the photo of your mom.

      1. Sherry Lumley says:

        Nice to meet you too! Which branch of the Guice’s are you from? In your box is a picture of Steven Lee Guice and Susan Reed Guice (I have copies of these same pictures). They were my GGG Grandparents. I have much family information on this branch. I also have the Guice Famly History Book which includes a copy of the original family tree drawn by Amanda Guice in the early 1900’s. I would love at some point to share what I have, but right now much of my research is pages of documents and not well organized. I think putting together a family reunion sometime in the next few years would be fabulous! Did you say you were in touch with some of the attendees from the former reunions? I just requested to join a Guice family group on facebook and may see if this group includes any of the Mississippi Guice family members who were involved in past reunions.

  11. I am Facebook friends with the nephew of the man who made the box. I think it would be great to organize a yearly reunion for all these new Guice generations. Unfortunately I’m not a great event planner. Would you be willing to get some ideas and people together to plan something? I can put the word out on this blog.
    My 2x great grandfather, Elbert Hampton Guice, was Stephen Lee Guice’s brother. His family’s story is on this blog under the title, “A Pile of Cotton and a Lighted Pine Knot.”

    1. Sherry Lumley says:

      Hi! I might be willing to assist in putting together a reunion. Reunions in the past have been in the fall which is certainly the best time to be in Mississippi from my prior experiences. Maybe Fall of 2018. That would allow for plenty of time to make contacts with the various Guice families. Planning a reunion in Mississippi when I live in Minnesota makes it a little more challenging. However, Doug Leo’s comments on your blog indicate he would be willing to allow a reunion on his property, If this is still the case, I think the rest would be doable. Maybe you could reach out to the Guice relatives you are connected with and see what there interest would be. I realize I don’t have your name, if you wouldn’t mind sharing it. I will also reach out to Doug Leo and see if he is serious about offering his property as a reunion location. You can e-mail me directly at When I have time this weekend, I will read about your grandfather’s story. Thanks! Sherry

  12. Maria Meyers says:

    I am a descendant of Christopher Guice and his son Jonathan Guice and his son Daniel. I’m glad I found your blog and the interesting stories you have of your Guice lineage. I’d love to learn more. My dad, John Guice, knew Julia Guice and her husband Wade well. I have a copy of her book on the Guice lineage. I would definitely be interested in attending a Guice reunion in the near future.

  13. Diane says:

    Hi!I’m a descendant of Rachael Guice Siddon. My Grandmother was Beaulah Agnes Siddon married to George Matterson Gowins. I enjoyed reading all the notes and would love to attend a reunion. I will keep checking for a date and lo action.
    Diane G. Kingrey

    1. doug says:

      someone needs to create a facebook page and we all can connect much easier

  14. doug leo says:

    Good morning I was wondering if you have been back to McNair at all? I am the heir who still has part of the estate and would love to connect with you one day. if you are interested you can email me at

    Doug Leo

  15. Kitty Guice Vangunten says:

    The book Lumber River Scots has much of the family history. It ends about 1945. Mildred Guice (Annie and OT’s sister) drew actual family trees. I believe she gave copies to each of her brothers and sisters. I gave mine away to a family member, probably Marvin. It had faded quite a bit, but was still readable. I believe all the information on the drawn tree is in Lumber River Scots. Julia’s book may have a different line of the family. As a child, I lived in the Gilchrist house for several years. My father was Edwin Guice.

  16. Lisa Lewis says:

    Hidee – My father and I were just talking tonight about an old friend of his, and how he was related to us through the Guices – his maternal grandmother’s family. I was glad to come across your blog and was wondering if you had posted the old photos of Guice ancestors and (non-living) relatives? My great-grandmother, Bess Lambuth (nee’ Hall) was the daughter of Ella May, who was the daughter of Rowena Emily Farr, who was the daughter of Emily Guice (Daughter of David W Guice, b. 1789, son of Jacob Guice). My great-grandmother was born in Hamburg, MS just south of McNair. I think that makes Emily Guice my 4th-great-grandmother. I’d love to see if there’s a family resemblance on that side of the family. Thank you for your work on this!

  17. Guice says:

    Waterproof la

  18. doug leo says:

    what about waterproof la?

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